近日,我校材料与纺织工程学院李海东教授发表“水凝胶驱动器的研究进展”领域最新研究进展的综述论文,相关成果以《水凝胶驱动器的研究进展》 (Recent Progresses on Hydrogel Actuators) 为题,于2021年1月2日在线发表于国际著名材料工程领域期刊《Journal of Materials Chemistry B》 (IF=5.344),该论文第一作者为我校程凤梅博士,李海东教授为论文通讯作者。
水凝胶具有刺激响应性,是一种软湿智能材料。截止目前,已有多种水凝胶驱动器相继被报道,其能够实现体积与形状变化和可逆的运动。生物仿生运动的实现需要异质性、周期性结构,还需要赋予水凝胶以其它性质。为实现具有可预测性的特定运动,以一种可控性良好的方式制备水凝胶至关重要。本综述总结了水凝胶驱动器制备手段的最新进展,涵盖序列合成、宏观超分子组装、场诱导取向、光刻、离子打印、3D 打印和渐变结构。我们分析并比较了这些方法的优势和局限性。最后,我们提出了一个简短的展望和总结,并指出一些重要问题,供进一步研究参考。

Figure 1(a) Schematic illustration to sequential synthesis of hydrogel bilayers with different properties. The obtained bilayer showed a distinct but robust interlocking interface, and was derived into thermo-responsive devices to actuate and grasp small objects. Reprinted from Reference 11 with permission. Copyright Wiley 2015. (b) Thermal and pH responsive nanocomposite hydrogel bilayers reversibly bend upon pH and/or temperature changes. Reprinted from Reference 61 with permission. Copyright American Chemical Society 2018. (c) The bilayer jumped as a result of snapping from the temporary elastic energy accumulation enabled by hydrogel-substrate adhesion. Reproduced from Reference 62 withpermission. Copyright American Chemical Society 2018.

Figure 3 (a) Schematic illustration to rGO/PNIPAM bilayer prepared by centrifugation-polymerization. (b) Reversible thermo-responsive actuation for five cycles. (c) NIR radiation motivated site-specific actuations of a bilayer device. Reproduced from Reference 70 with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019.
论文DOI (https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/tb/d0tb02524k#!divAbstract)