近日,我校材料与纺织工程学院副教授张葵花博士发表“生物医用高分子材料”领域最新研究论文,相关成果以《氧化石墨烯涂层皮芯结构壳聚糖/PLLA纳米纤维抗菌敷料》 (Graphene oxide coated shell-core structuredchitosan/PLLA nanofibrous scaffolds for wound dressing) 为题,于2019年12月18日在线发表于生物材料领域期刊《Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition》该论文通讯作者为我校副教授张葵花博士。

Fig. 1 (A) Picture of rat wound dressing experiment at 2, 4, 7, 14 and 21 d after application of injury. (B) Wound closure percentage for different groups at 2, 4, 7, 14 and 21 d after application of injury.(C) Photomicrographs of HE-stained rat wound skin at 40×. Control group (a, 7 d, b,14 d, c, 21d ), GO-coated CS/PLLA nanofibrous scaffolds group (d,7 d, e,14 d, f, 21 d), CS/PLLA nanofibrous scaffolds group (g,7 d, h,14 d, i, 21 d) , Yunnan-Baiyao group (j,7 d, k,14 d, l, 21 d)
(论文DOI: 10.1080/09205063.2019.1706149)